Wednesday 9 October 2013

Digital Learning - Using ICT in Education

In the age of technology and media we can't afford to be left behind. In the field of education also there is a need of incorporating the use of technology and media. It is often said that audio-visual (multimedia) is more effective than black-board and chalk-duster. The use of ICT in education is the demand of the time.

To facilitate the students of Gujarat state to use technology and digital learning, the Govt. of Guj arat introduced DELL Lab (Digital Education and Learning Lab) in most of the colleges in the state around 2007-08. But unfortunately, partly due to the ill-maintained Lab and party due to the lack of Professors/Asst. Professors of English most  DELL Labs have not been working properly.The same condition I came across in my college.

The moment I took the charge of DELL Lab, after just getting appointed as Asst. Professor (English) in January 2013, I could not pay heed to it because of the examinations. I could not approach the students nor could I motivate them to benefit from DELL Lab. Then there was vacation and after reopening of the term, I was again busy with admission process. Due to the lack of admin staff we have to shoulder the responsibility of entire admission process. After admissions got over, I was busy interacting (teaching) with the students. When I got time, I found some limitations in the Lab.

Due to the gap of 2-3 years (the lack of professors of English) the computers were badly maintained and I had to face lots of troubles. However, I'm not disheartened. I took the entire thing positively. I encouraged the students of BA and Bcom students to benefit from using technology and the availability of DELL Lab in the college.

Now, I've started the DELL Lab. Around 20 students have been visiting the Lab regularly. They are interested in digital learning and the courses available over the internet for free. For that, I've started familiarizing the students with the basics of computers and how to use internet for getting study related information. The students seem to be interested in learning English for free over the internet. So, I suggested them the website where students can learn English and for learning free courses. It means that the students are on their way to get benefits of the Lab. Now, lets see how they proceed!

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