Wednesday 2 October 2013

Examinations Come and Go...Who Cares?

      I still remember my schooling days when we took exams as something "special". I did my schooling in a primary school in my village but the lessons we learnt are still relevant and useful in real sense of the term. We were thrilled to the concept of examinations. We used to start preparation for it - buying new pairs of clothes, studying together with friends...What a wonderful experience of exam it was!

    Now, there is no seriousness as far as examinations are concerned. For the students of today, examinations "come and go, who cares?" and this pinches me a lot. I firmly believe that the standard of the education today is much lower than the past. My grandfather, who studied till 4th standard, is good at reading titles in English language and speaks figures in English. But the generation of today seems to be poor compared to the older one as far as the education is concerned. 

     I've started checking question papers of the internal exam which started from yesterday. I'm greatly disappointed to say that the majority of the students are careless and lazy. The way they attempt to write answers shows that they do not have seriousness for the exam. The students of English literature make grammatical errors and spelling errors. Moreover, they lack content power. It seems that they are never serious from the beginning when they joined the college. I don't blame them or their school teachers for their poor performance in English language. What is lacking is their strong determination to improve their English and reading. 

      If the efforts are put in the right direction, targets can be achieved. this is true with the examinations. If the preparations are done systematically, keeping in mind the instructions given by the professors, students can perform well in the examinations. But who cares???

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